Albany Rural Cemetery

Albany, Albany, New York, United States


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*On April 2, 1841, an association was formed to bring the cemetery into being. A committee of the association selected the site on April 20, 1844. The cemetery originally contained 100 acres (0.40 km2). This portion was consecrated October 7, 1844. Daniel D. Barnard delivered the dedication address, which was one of many given at rural cemeteries across the northeast in the years from Justice Joseph Story's address at Mount Auburn Cemetery in 1831 to Lincoln's Gettysburg Address in 1863.[3] The first interment was made in May, 1845.[4] Located near the entrance is the Louis Menand House. In 1868, bodies from other cemeteries were removed and reinterred in Albany Rural Cemetery.[4]-Wikipedia
Albany Rural Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Albany, Albany, New York, United States